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Rack Performer 0.96-alpha3 is released

Rack Performer 0.96-alpha3 is released

Rack Performer version 0.96-alpha3 is now available here.

This release offers an advance on four different fronts: new multi-channel master modules completing the clock-free series, new multi-channel mixers completing the Camo Mixers series, improved readability and coherence of windows and GUI fonts, and many corrections and improvements especially around legacy wave engines (MME and DirectSound)
Rack Performer 0.96-alpha2 is released

Rack Performer 0.96-alpha2 is released

Product news rack performer - March 3rd, 2011
Rack Performer version 0.96-alpha2 is now available here.

This update is only a hotfix for an annoying bug in keyboard calibration cinematic (it didn't work in patch mode)
Rack Performer 0.96-alpha is released

Rack Performer 0.96-alpha is released

Product news rack performer - February 16th, 2011
Rack Performer version 0.96-alpha is now available here.

In this new version we mostly focused on the feedback we got, and the most important fixes revolve around VST support and VST scanner improvements. Application is now way more stable and usable.

We still managed to add new features and this time the Keyboard Mapper got pimped up and is now completely functional, including all submap types, new simplified mapping types (control focus vs action keys) and a brand new configuration dialog to select layout and numeric pad mode.
Rack Performer 0.95-alpha2 is released

Rack Performer 0.95-alpha2 is released

Product news rack performer - October 2nd, 2010
Rack Performer version 0.95-alpha2 is now available here.

This is a maintenance and bug-fix update, no new feature.
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