[Rack Performer 1.0 - detailed release notes]
This post is going to be larger than usual as it combines all versions that were released during the private beta testing phase.
--[Version 1.00]--
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--[Version 1.00-RC1]--
--[Version 0.99-beta6]--
--[Version 0.99-beta5]--
--[Version 0.99-beta4]--
--[Version 0.99-beta3]--
[MODULE] K-Series Console x16 (16 channel mono/stereo mixing console with 3-band EQs and internal PFL/AFL monitoring)
The first K-Series live mixing console has been introduced in this blog post.
[MODULE] 3-Band Equalizer (this is the K-Series Console equalizer in standalone form, to process up to 8 channels)
Don't be fooled by its small compact size, it uses state-of-the-art filters and can even be modulated at will. Like most of our internal modules, it is multichannel compatible.
[MODULE] RC Hipass 12 (high-pass correction filter, -12dB/octave, non resonant)
Correction filter to cut the low end of any signal. Removes subs, rumble and other low frequency components that can make the sound muddy if not properly controlled. It's sweepable but you might prefer using a resonant filter instead as this one has a flat response and it does not color the sound much.
[MODULE] 4-Band Crossover (split signals into 4 frequency bands on separate outputs)
[MODULE] 3-Band Crossover (split signals into 3 frequency bands on separate outputs)
[MODULE] 2-Way Crossover (split signals into 2 frequency bands on separate outputs)
Very nice additions, the crossovers (band splitters) have been presented in this blog post.
[MODULE] BPM Meter (real-time BPM display with detection parameters)
[MODULE] Beat Meter (beat visualization with detection parameters)
While they might not be using the most advanced detection scheme, they work good enough for the kind of music where knowing the BPM precisely is important.
[MODULE] Delay (10 seconds delay with optional feedback)
[MODULE] Long Delay (60 seconds delay with optional feedback)
[MODULE] Dub Delay (analog style delay with filter and saturation)
[MODULE] Ping-Pong Stereo Delay (classic bouncing stereo delay, with optional asymmetry and pre-filters)
Classic high quality delay effects, tweakable at will. No need to introduce them, we are sure you will appreciate!
[MODULE] Ring Modulator (with internal or external carrier and leakage control)
[MODULE] Amplitude Modulator (with internal or external carrier)
Those two are also classic effects (the amp modulator is known as "Tremolo" when used at low rates) but as this is a modular host, you can patch any signal to their external carrier input. Otherwise the internal (sinusoid oscillator) carrier will be used.
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Gain (asymmetrical waveshaper)
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Saturation (asymmetrical soft saturation/overdrive)
[MODULE] Overdrive Mk1 (soft overdrive/distortion)
[MODULE] Overdrive Mk2 (soft overdrive/distortion)
[MODULE] SuperPunch (punch overdrive)
[MODULE] PolyShaper (versatile waveshaper, harmonic exciter)
These are the softer overdrive modules, sorted by increasing "strength". Most have very manageable harmonics production, unless of course you push them really too hard (as all wave-shaper effects are highly sensitive to input volume) Some can be really subtle and don't produce too much inter-modulation distortion. The PolyShaper is probably the hardest to use but it allows to fine-tune precisely the harmonics production.
[MODULE] SkyDrive Mk1 (distortion)
[MODULE] SkyDrive Mk2 (distortion)
[MODULE] Black Fuzz Mk1 (hard fuzz-type distortion)
[MODULE] Black Fuzz Mk2 (hard fuzz-type distortion)
[MODULE] Pink Fuzz (very strong asymmetrical distortion)
[MODULE] Sasquatch Distortion (strong dual-distortion unit, clearly on the heavy side)
[MODULE] ParaShaper (parametric waveshaper covering a wide range of extreme distortions)
Stronger distortions, fuzz and hard squashers / waveshapers. If you use them on guitar and are not using any cabsim, the key is really in the pre and post filtering. Use the included filters and don't hesitate to add extra low-pass and high-pass filters before and after them as it will radically change their sound. Again input volume ("Amp" control) is of prime importance, you need to "attack" the distortion at the right amplitude range.
[MODULE] Soft Clip Mk1 (symmetrical soft clipping)
[MODULE] Soft Clip Mk2 (symmetrical soft saturation with variable hardness)
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Clip (asymmetrical signal clipper with optional automatic gain compensation)
[MODULE] Hard Clip (symmetrical signal clipper with optional automatic gain compensation)
Those are soft and hard signal clippers. Use them when you need to ensure that the signal amplitude will never be greater than a specific value (in dB) They will distort though (and for the hard clippers also produce huge aliasing), if you need a more transparent effect, use dynamics processors instead (compressors, limiters)
[MODULE] Half-wave Rectifier (asymmetrical waveshaper)
[MODULE] Full-wave Rectifier (asymmetrical waveshaper, octave doubler)
[MODULE] Bit Quantization (waveshaper, variable bitdepth reduction)
[MODULE] DC Offset (waveshaper, adds variable DC offset)
[MODULE] Spectrum Inverter (low becomes high, works well with drum kits)
[MODULE] Amplitude Inverter (hard waveshaper, inverts original amplitude envelope)
[MODULE] Infinite Limiter (hard waveshaper, removes original amplitude envelope)
Collection of basic waveshapers (made trivial with digital audio) Most are really lo-fi when used on audio signals, but as building blocks used in combination with other effects or to apply to audio-rate control signals they can be really useful.
[MODULE] Phase Correlation Meter (display average cross-correlation product for any signals pair)
[MODULE] M/S to L/R Converter (convert a mid/sides signal back to stereo)
[MODULE] L/R to M/S Converter (convert a stereo signal for mid/sides processing)
[MODULE] Haas Pseudo-Stereo (create or modify stereo image by using precedence effect)
[MODULE] N to 1 Averager (downmix N sources then divide volume by N)
Collection of stereo-related effects. The two converters allow to perform mid/sides processing (as opposed to left/right stereo) and unlock many interesting processing options, like applying equalization or compression only to the sounds that are panned while leaving the center unprocessed, etc. The pseudo-stereo effect can create phasing issues when mixing down to mono (ex: radio) this is why you need to use the phase correlation meter to ensure your final stereo mix is ok.
[MODULE] Latency Calibration (special two-parts module to perform round-trip or point to point latency calibration)
Special module to compute the latency between two points in the patch. It can be used to perform round-trip latency calibration, meaning to compute the delay needed for the signal to leave the application through the soundcard output, be processed by any external device (or devices chain) then flow through the soundcard input and be delivered to the application. By computing this latency it is then possible to adjust precisely the delay to apply to the rest of the patch, in order to align the signals perfectly.
[MODULE] Remote Fader x2 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Switch x4 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Knob x4 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Presets (remote display and control of any module presets port)
[MODULE] Remote Display (remotely display any control port value in the patch)
Completing the RemoteControl modules collection, they allow to create shortcuts to other controls in the patch and display them in a compact way on the virtual screens, to build your perfect control and visual feedback interface to play live.
[MODULE] CamoMute x1 (simple mute control for up to 8 channels)
Mostly there for convenience (as all generators have an internal mute control port), provides a switch control to cut any signal path live.
[UPGRADE] RoboControl and Automation modules (ex: LFO) phase is saved/restored with presets, scene snapshots and when saving the document
[UPGRADE] RoboControl and Automation modules target changes are now sample accurate
[UPGRADE] Controller-class modules (automation etc) can now target global application control ports
All these items might not necessarily look important but they will be of prime importance in the future.
[UPGRADE] Improved the "racked" VST GUI-wrapper (now sports a top control bar giving access to many controls as well as visual feedback)
[UPGRADE] Improved the "thin rack" VST GUI-wrapper (now includes a title bar with module name and a shortcut to the module context menu)
The VST wrappers update was covered in this blog post.
[UPGRADE] Following the "perform mode" refactoring, changed the keyboard shortcuts for mode changes ("Tab" toggles between patch and edit, F12 toggles power and F11 toggles perform mode)
Much simpler this way.
[UPGRADE] Application can now be used in fixed installations, fully automated with no screen and no mouse nor keyboard
Unlocks some new use cases, like exhibitions, art installations, museums etc.
[UPGRADE] All internal modules are now intelligently muted/bypassed (much less CPU load while still maintaining the same live playability and sample accuracy when cutting)
Something you will directly notice on your CPU meter!
[UPGRADE] Various improvements around automatic patch delay compensation (PDC)
It is still automatic, but now it is even better!
[DETAIL] PopupDesign GUI wrappers can be closed with "Esc" key (provided the plugin doesn't capture the keyboard fully)
[DETAIL] VST programs (and module presets) can be renamed directly from the racked GUI wrapper
[DETAIL] Active virtual screen is saved/restored with document
[DETAIL] Focused module is now saved/restored with document
[DETAIL] Increased CamoGain module boost range
[DETAIL] Added two new screen wallpapers ("Metal works" and "Metric space")
[DETAIL] Added a new entry in the audio recorder config menu to open the recordings directory
[DETAIL] Added new "All notes off (internal)" and "All notes off (external)" to the "Live > MIDI" submenu (send "all notes off" to internal modules or to midi output)
[DETAIL] Added new "MIDI panic" module context menu item, to send "all notes off" to any MIDI enabled module
[DETAIL] Added new options to perform actions after loading a document (enabling perform mode, enabling power and starting master clock)
[DETAIL] In "perform mode" all modal information dialogs have been replaced by screen ticker messages instead
[DETAIL] Added new advanced hidden option to disable all confirmation dialogs when loading documents
[DETAIL] Modules presets are now saved atomically (using same mechanism as scene snapshots)
[DETAIL] Slightly improved module control focus on VST modules GUI (yet not an universal solution)
All speak for themselves.
[FIX] Corrected GUI refresh glitches on some VST plugins (flicker)
[FIX] Probably eradicated the vicious "garage screen bug", at least can't reproduce anymore
[FIX] Fixed the long-lasting issue when handling screen resolution changes on some machines
[FIX] Fixed "invalid window handle" error when hiding some VST GUIs (ex: Smex MoCon plugins)
[FIX] Fixed "wave engine thread not responding" error when live editing the patch on some setups
[FIX] Reverted the previous change and implemented a smoother solution to avoid displeasant jumps when clicking on the patch objects bundle inc/dec buttons
[FIX] Muting VST MIDI plugins (using the wrapper Cut-port) could produce stuck notes, now their output is filtered to let only note off messages go through
[FIX] Changing VST MIDI inter-links target could produce stuck notes, "all notes off" is sent now to solve the problem
[FIX] Fixed a rare error that could happen when switching VST MIDI inter-links live
[FIX] Fixed a cosmetic issue around VU-meter GUI controls refreshing
[FIX] Fixed an issue around VST presets deletion (under a particular options combination)
[FIX] Corrected behaviour of patcher "disconnect" action
[FIX] Fixed "wave engine returned the following error: success" (occurred after trying to open an unconnected external sound card)
[FIX] Resolved a bug in the patch optimizer that could make an internal module fail under rather uncommon and very specific patch configurations
[FIX] Fixed "cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error under Win7 when toggling transport bar with tab key
[FIX] Regression in "manual GUI dispatch" cinematic left application in a locked state upon completion
[FIX] Resolved the long lasting and annoying WindowsXP Z-order bug where the virtual screens could in some rare cases cover the menu and floating windows (usually after win+D hotkey)
[FIX] Fixed another rare window activation bug when abusing Alt+Tab and Win+D hotkeys
[FIX] Fixed a potential issue when displaying ASIO driver control panels
[FIX] Fixed problems that could arise with ASIO wave engines under heavy overload conditions
[FIX] Fixed error displayed when trying to access ASIO control panel with no document loaded
[FIX] Fixed a minor memory leak related to VST MIDI events
[FIX] Fixed a minor memory leak related to keyboard mapper submaps
[FIX] Visual quirks when dispatching or deleting VST modules under some particular setups (ghost windows briefly appearing, WindowsXP)
[FIX] Fixed some edge cases around modules presets and scene snapshots management
[FIX] Crash when closing documents containing monitor groups (appeared in beta2)
[FIX] Corrected minor GUI flicker when switching between edit and patch mode
[FIX] Linear warp mode on GUI controls was erratic sometimes when using multiple monitors with different resolutions
[FIX] MIDI keyboard lock was unassigned after some specific unrelated actions
[FIX] Corrected a crash when closing documents having missing VST modules
[FIX] In multiple monitors mode, changing the transport bar assigned monitor was broken (regression)
[FIX] In multiple monitors mode VST plugins GUIs not on primary monitor were not displayed properly
[FIX] When dispatching module GUIs, no longer allowing controls context menu display (could lead to strange cases)
[FIX] When saving a document with RoboControl modules in "relative" mode, the modulation center was different after reloading
[FIX] Minor fixes
And quite a lot of fixes to finish with, no need to elaborate much more.
--[Version 1.00]--
--[Version 1.00-RC2]--
--[Version 1.00-RC1]--
--[Version 0.99-beta6]--
--[Version 0.99-beta5]--
--[Version 0.99-beta4]--
--[Version 0.99-beta3]--
[MODULE] K-Series Console x16 (16 channel mono/stereo mixing console with 3-band EQs and internal PFL/AFL monitoring)
The first K-Series live mixing console has been introduced in this blog post.
[MODULE] 3-Band Equalizer (this is the K-Series Console equalizer in standalone form, to process up to 8 channels)
Don't be fooled by its small compact size, it uses state-of-the-art filters and can even be modulated at will. Like most of our internal modules, it is multichannel compatible.
[MODULE] RC Hipass 12 (high-pass correction filter, -12dB/octave, non resonant)
Correction filter to cut the low end of any signal. Removes subs, rumble and other low frequency components that can make the sound muddy if not properly controlled. It's sweepable but you might prefer using a resonant filter instead as this one has a flat response and it does not color the sound much.
[MODULE] 4-Band Crossover (split signals into 4 frequency bands on separate outputs)
[MODULE] 3-Band Crossover (split signals into 3 frequency bands on separate outputs)
[MODULE] 2-Way Crossover (split signals into 2 frequency bands on separate outputs)
Very nice additions, the crossovers (band splitters) have been presented in this blog post.
[MODULE] BPM Meter (real-time BPM display with detection parameters)
[MODULE] Beat Meter (beat visualization with detection parameters)
While they might not be using the most advanced detection scheme, they work good enough for the kind of music where knowing the BPM precisely is important.
[MODULE] Delay (10 seconds delay with optional feedback)
[MODULE] Long Delay (60 seconds delay with optional feedback)
[MODULE] Dub Delay (analog style delay with filter and saturation)
[MODULE] Ping-Pong Stereo Delay (classic bouncing stereo delay, with optional asymmetry and pre-filters)
Classic high quality delay effects, tweakable at will. No need to introduce them, we are sure you will appreciate!
[MODULE] Ring Modulator (with internal or external carrier and leakage control)
[MODULE] Amplitude Modulator (with internal or external carrier)
Those two are also classic effects (the amp modulator is known as "Tremolo" when used at low rates) but as this is a modular host, you can patch any signal to their external carrier input. Otherwise the internal (sinusoid oscillator) carrier will be used.
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Gain (asymmetrical waveshaper)
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Saturation (asymmetrical soft saturation/overdrive)
[MODULE] Overdrive Mk1 (soft overdrive/distortion)
[MODULE] Overdrive Mk2 (soft overdrive/distortion)
[MODULE] SuperPunch (punch overdrive)
[MODULE] PolyShaper (versatile waveshaper, harmonic exciter)
These are the softer overdrive modules, sorted by increasing "strength". Most have very manageable harmonics production, unless of course you push them really too hard (as all wave-shaper effects are highly sensitive to input volume) Some can be really subtle and don't produce too much inter-modulation distortion. The PolyShaper is probably the hardest to use but it allows to fine-tune precisely the harmonics production.
[MODULE] SkyDrive Mk1 (distortion)
[MODULE] SkyDrive Mk2 (distortion)
[MODULE] Black Fuzz Mk1 (hard fuzz-type distortion)
[MODULE] Black Fuzz Mk2 (hard fuzz-type distortion)
[MODULE] Pink Fuzz (very strong asymmetrical distortion)
[MODULE] Sasquatch Distortion (strong dual-distortion unit, clearly on the heavy side)
[MODULE] ParaShaper (parametric waveshaper covering a wide range of extreme distortions)
Stronger distortions, fuzz and hard squashers / waveshapers. If you use them on guitar and are not using any cabsim, the key is really in the pre and post filtering. Use the included filters and don't hesitate to add extra low-pass and high-pass filters before and after them as it will radically change their sound. Again input volume ("Amp" control) is of prime importance, you need to "attack" the distortion at the right amplitude range.
[MODULE] Soft Clip Mk1 (symmetrical soft clipping)
[MODULE] Soft Clip Mk2 (symmetrical soft saturation with variable hardness)
[MODULE] Asymmetrical Clip (asymmetrical signal clipper with optional automatic gain compensation)
[MODULE] Hard Clip (symmetrical signal clipper with optional automatic gain compensation)
Those are soft and hard signal clippers. Use them when you need to ensure that the signal amplitude will never be greater than a specific value (in dB) They will distort though (and for the hard clippers also produce huge aliasing), if you need a more transparent effect, use dynamics processors instead (compressors, limiters)
[MODULE] Half-wave Rectifier (asymmetrical waveshaper)
[MODULE] Full-wave Rectifier (asymmetrical waveshaper, octave doubler)
[MODULE] Bit Quantization (waveshaper, variable bitdepth reduction)
[MODULE] DC Offset (waveshaper, adds variable DC offset)
[MODULE] Spectrum Inverter (low becomes high, works well with drum kits)
[MODULE] Amplitude Inverter (hard waveshaper, inverts original amplitude envelope)
[MODULE] Infinite Limiter (hard waveshaper, removes original amplitude envelope)
Collection of basic waveshapers (made trivial with digital audio) Most are really lo-fi when used on audio signals, but as building blocks used in combination with other effects or to apply to audio-rate control signals they can be really useful.
[MODULE] Phase Correlation Meter (display average cross-correlation product for any signals pair)
[MODULE] M/S to L/R Converter (convert a mid/sides signal back to stereo)
[MODULE] L/R to M/S Converter (convert a stereo signal for mid/sides processing)
[MODULE] Haas Pseudo-Stereo (create or modify stereo image by using precedence effect)
[MODULE] N to 1 Averager (downmix N sources then divide volume by N)
Collection of stereo-related effects. The two converters allow to perform mid/sides processing (as opposed to left/right stereo) and unlock many interesting processing options, like applying equalization or compression only to the sounds that are panned while leaving the center unprocessed, etc. The pseudo-stereo effect can create phasing issues when mixing down to mono (ex: radio) this is why you need to use the phase correlation meter to ensure your final stereo mix is ok.
[MODULE] Latency Calibration (special two-parts module to perform round-trip or point to point latency calibration)
Special module to compute the latency between two points in the patch. It can be used to perform round-trip latency calibration, meaning to compute the delay needed for the signal to leave the application through the soundcard output, be processed by any external device (or devices chain) then flow through the soundcard input and be delivered to the application. By computing this latency it is then possible to adjust precisely the delay to apply to the rest of the patch, in order to align the signals perfectly.
[MODULE] Remote Fader x2 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Switch x4 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Knob x4 (assignable controls)
[MODULE] Remote Presets (remote display and control of any module presets port)
[MODULE] Remote Display (remotely display any control port value in the patch)
Completing the RemoteControl modules collection, they allow to create shortcuts to other controls in the patch and display them in a compact way on the virtual screens, to build your perfect control and visual feedback interface to play live.
[MODULE] CamoMute x1 (simple mute control for up to 8 channels)
Mostly there for convenience (as all generators have an internal mute control port), provides a switch control to cut any signal path live.
[UPGRADE] RoboControl and Automation modules (ex: LFO) phase is saved/restored with presets, scene snapshots and when saving the document
[UPGRADE] RoboControl and Automation modules target changes are now sample accurate
[UPGRADE] Controller-class modules (automation etc) can now target global application control ports
All these items might not necessarily look important but they will be of prime importance in the future.
[UPGRADE] Improved the "racked" VST GUI-wrapper (now sports a top control bar giving access to many controls as well as visual feedback)
[UPGRADE] Improved the "thin rack" VST GUI-wrapper (now includes a title bar with module name and a shortcut to the module context menu)
The VST wrappers update was covered in this blog post.
[UPGRADE] Following the "perform mode" refactoring, changed the keyboard shortcuts for mode changes ("Tab" toggles between patch and edit, F12 toggles power and F11 toggles perform mode)
Much simpler this way.
[UPGRADE] Application can now be used in fixed installations, fully automated with no screen and no mouse nor keyboard
Unlocks some new use cases, like exhibitions, art installations, museums etc.
[UPGRADE] All internal modules are now intelligently muted/bypassed (much less CPU load while still maintaining the same live playability and sample accuracy when cutting)
Something you will directly notice on your CPU meter!
[UPGRADE] Various improvements around automatic patch delay compensation (PDC)
It is still automatic, but now it is even better!
[DETAIL] PopupDesign GUI wrappers can be closed with "Esc" key (provided the plugin doesn't capture the keyboard fully)
[DETAIL] VST programs (and module presets) can be renamed directly from the racked GUI wrapper
[DETAIL] Active virtual screen is saved/restored with document
[DETAIL] Focused module is now saved/restored with document
[DETAIL] Increased CamoGain module boost range
[DETAIL] Added two new screen wallpapers ("Metal works" and "Metric space")
[DETAIL] Added a new entry in the audio recorder config menu to open the recordings directory
[DETAIL] Added new "All notes off (internal)" and "All notes off (external)" to the "Live > MIDI" submenu (send "all notes off" to internal modules or to midi output)
[DETAIL] Added new "MIDI panic" module context menu item, to send "all notes off" to any MIDI enabled module
[DETAIL] Added new options to perform actions after loading a document (enabling perform mode, enabling power and starting master clock)
[DETAIL] In "perform mode" all modal information dialogs have been replaced by screen ticker messages instead
[DETAIL] Added new advanced hidden option to disable all confirmation dialogs when loading documents
[DETAIL] Modules presets are now saved atomically (using same mechanism as scene snapshots)
[DETAIL] Slightly improved module control focus on VST modules GUI (yet not an universal solution)
All speak for themselves.
[FIX] Corrected GUI refresh glitches on some VST plugins (flicker)
[FIX] Probably eradicated the vicious "garage screen bug", at least can't reproduce anymore
[FIX] Fixed the long-lasting issue when handling screen resolution changes on some machines
[FIX] Fixed "invalid window handle" error when hiding some VST GUIs (ex: Smex MoCon plugins)
[FIX] Fixed "wave engine thread not responding" error when live editing the patch on some setups
[FIX] Reverted the previous change and implemented a smoother solution to avoid displeasant jumps when clicking on the patch objects bundle inc/dec buttons
[FIX] Muting VST MIDI plugins (using the wrapper Cut-port) could produce stuck notes, now their output is filtered to let only note off messages go through
[FIX] Changing VST MIDI inter-links target could produce stuck notes, "all notes off" is sent now to solve the problem
[FIX] Fixed a rare error that could happen when switching VST MIDI inter-links live
[FIX] Fixed a cosmetic issue around VU-meter GUI controls refreshing
[FIX] Fixed an issue around VST presets deletion (under a particular options combination)
[FIX] Corrected behaviour of patcher "disconnect" action
[FIX] Fixed "wave engine returned the following error: success" (occurred after trying to open an unconnected external sound card)
[FIX] Resolved a bug in the patch optimizer that could make an internal module fail under rather uncommon and very specific patch configurations
[FIX] Fixed "cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error under Win7 when toggling transport bar with tab key
[FIX] Regression in "manual GUI dispatch" cinematic left application in a locked state upon completion
[FIX] Resolved the long lasting and annoying WindowsXP Z-order bug where the virtual screens could in some rare cases cover the menu and floating windows (usually after win+D hotkey)
[FIX] Fixed another rare window activation bug when abusing Alt+Tab and Win+D hotkeys
[FIX] Fixed a potential issue when displaying ASIO driver control panels
[FIX] Fixed problems that could arise with ASIO wave engines under heavy overload conditions
[FIX] Fixed error displayed when trying to access ASIO control panel with no document loaded
[FIX] Fixed a minor memory leak related to VST MIDI events
[FIX] Fixed a minor memory leak related to keyboard mapper submaps
[FIX] Visual quirks when dispatching or deleting VST modules under some particular setups (ghost windows briefly appearing, WindowsXP)
[FIX] Fixed some edge cases around modules presets and scene snapshots management
[FIX] Crash when closing documents containing monitor groups (appeared in beta2)
[FIX] Corrected minor GUI flicker when switching between edit and patch mode
[FIX] Linear warp mode on GUI controls was erratic sometimes when using multiple monitors with different resolutions
[FIX] MIDI keyboard lock was unassigned after some specific unrelated actions
[FIX] Corrected a crash when closing documents having missing VST modules
[FIX] In multiple monitors mode, changing the transport bar assigned monitor was broken (regression)
[FIX] In multiple monitors mode VST plugins GUIs not on primary monitor were not displayed properly
[FIX] When dispatching module GUIs, no longer allowing controls context menu display (could lead to strange cases)
[FIX] When saving a document with RoboControl modules in "relative" mode, the modulation center was different after reloading
[FIX] Minor fixes
And quite a lot of fixes to finish with, no need to elaborate much more.
Live Factory Team
Live Factory Team

Member info

Live Factory Team
Country: France
Joined: Nov 15 2009
Joined: Nov 15 2009