Getting high CPU usage with no document loaded? You need to update your video card driver

Getting high CPU usage with no document loaded? You need to update your video card driver

If you experience an unexpected and heavy CPU usage when the application is running, even with no document loaded, there is probably an incompatibility with your video card drivers.

This is a rather rare issue that affects only specific video cards and drivers combinations.

To check if your machine has this problem, launch task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and look at the RP.exe process CPU usage. It should be zero. If you see a constant value like 50%, 25% or even 100% then you probably are one of the unlucky fews...

But don't worry, the solution so far has always been simple: just visit your video card chipset website (usually Nvidia or ATI) and download the latest drivers. After a reboot the problem should be gone. If not, please contact our technical support and we will help you sort it out.
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