BUG multi i/o with IK Philarmonik VSTi

BUG multi i/o with IK Philarmonik VSTi

I encounter a crash when the following occur

When the crash occurs it is a complete RP termination ie RP error module does not come up.

After I patched in vst IK Philharmonik (a string vst) first stereo output to 2channels on CamoMixer, I noticed the the audio i/o configuration was set to 32 outputs and since I only need a stereo output I changed the Philharmonik vst i/o configuration from 32 outputs to 2 outputs. Now If I was thinking, and I was not, I should have unpatched the 2 outputs from the CamoMixer it was feeding before I did this, but I didn't think to and after reducing the vst's outputs from 32 to 2 with the first 2 still patched... as soon as I played a note on the vst the whole RP program hard crashes and terminates. not even the RP error module launches

This problem remained even after deleting the vst from patch screen, reboot and adding the vst with only 2 outputs back to the project.
It some how corrupts RP and causes a crash as soon as you play a note into the vst, at first I thought the vst's dll may have been damaged but it works fine in other daw's.'

The only solution was to completely start over and build the project.

The lesson do Not change vst i/o configurations while it is patched in.

note: I do not know if unpatching before changing the i/o config will prevent the problem but I do not want to find out.

Thanks Again guys and Gals this is a most Excellent piece of work

Ok problem confirmed (although it doesn't really crash on our test setup)

We'll investigate the issue but it seems IK Multimedia has done something not very orthodox with that runtime I/O count change (VST plug-ins are required by specification to have a fixed I/O pin count from the time they are created and until destructed)

Thank you a lot for reporting the issue. It seems changing the I/O count while the patch is powered off works more or less properly. Also deleting and re-creating the module in the patcher might help.
Live Factory Team

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