ClearType and more uniform fonts and enhanced readability?

ClearType and more uniform fonts and enhanced readability?

We completely changed the fonts used throughout the application (windows and GUI's) improving global readability.

The fonts are ClearType optimized but unfortunately they don't look very crisp when using the standard anti-aliasing mode in Windows XP. We recommend to enable ClearType, but if this is not an option for you, please let us know, as we might consider changing the fonts another time.

So what are your impressions about the new fonts?

Also, are you using ClearType or not?
Live Factory Team
Starting with version 1.01, the application now automatically enables ClearType upon loading (if it's not already enabled)

There are two hidden advanced configuration options to control that behaviour, please check product manual. You can select ClearType or classic anti-aliasing or disable the behaviour completely.
Live Factory Team

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