Product news

Rack Performer 0.94-alpha3 is released

Rack Performer 0.94-alpha3 is released

Product news rack performer - January 30th, 2010
Rack Performer version 0.94alpha3 is now available here.

Audio monitoring is fully implemented, with all modes and options enabled, giving you nice vu-meters to monitor any source or group in the patch, and easy access to its volume control.
Rack Performer 0.94-alpha2 is released

Rack Performer 0.94-alpha2 is released

Product news rack performer - January 18th, 2010
Rack Performer version 0.94alpha2 is now available here.

While previously only a Live Factory feature, Scene Snapshots have been added to Rack Performer, as we think it would be a very useful addition.
Rack Performer 0.94-alpha is released

Rack Performer 0.94-alpha is released

Product news MIDI milestones rack performer - January 13th, 2010
Rack Performer version 0.94alpha is now available here.

This release is focused on MIDI support. Amongst the most noticeable features you will find fully working Quick MIDI mapping, module MIDI source patching, MIDI routing (through mode) and MIDI keyboard focus.
Rack Performer 0.93-alpha4 is released

Rack Performer 0.93-alpha4 is released

Product news rack performer - December 31st, 2009
Rack Performer version 0.93alpha4 is now available here. We fixed some bugs and added new features. Do not hesitate to report the various problems you might encounter, and your impressions and ideas using the forum for this purpose.

Your feedback will be much valuable.

Live Factory team wishes you the best for 2010.

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