Rack Performer v1.01 tests

Rack Performer v1.01 tests

Current System:

Win7 64
Lenovo T60
core2 T7600 @ 2.33 GHz
2 GB ram
on board Video Card ATI Mobility Radeon x1300
Audio interface and MIDI controller: Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3
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Initially ran RP with generic video drivers. Got message RP requires video card drivers compatible with GL 1.2. RP ran fine regardless, though patch redraws were a bit slow. I then updated Radeon drivers and consequently RP freezes and/or patch screen shows nothing. So I rolled back drivers so at least I can use RP.

I wonder if machine may be too old to run win7 64bit and that I should try it with win XPsp3. (?) For now the slow redraws are not really a problem - with only the GL 1.2 warning at boot-up being an extra click to dismiss.

Adding a new device in patch mode makes an audio "thunk". I wonder if audio should be automatically temporarily muted during this step to prevent damage to speakers/ears.

I was unable to assign a cc controller in RP to a VST fx device knob using my NI Guitar Rig 3 foot controller pedal. The switches did work, however. On the Native Instruments Forum, a member named "flostog" discusses this issue:

It appears that this problem is not the fault of RP, but rather of the Native Instruments drivers.

Later I resolved this issue, though I'm not exactly how. If there is interest I will pursue it and report back.

Now I am able to assign the foot controllers to any processor parameter with the "learn" feature. It works very well and is relatively simple to edit/undo after-the-fact, as well. The application seems very robust.

My next step is to try to understand and learn how to create, store and switch scenes with the foot controller.
H / UDmr
Rack Performer 1.01 Test 02

I’m experimenting with using snapshots. Overall it’s relatively easy to figure out.

One thing that I think needs fixing, so that things don’t get confusing, is how copying and pasting of preset snapshots is managed. When I cut and paste Preset A3 to the A1 position it is still labeled “A3”. It is possible to rename the name of the Preset, but this adds an extra step… It took me a few moments of clicking and accidentally clicking on the wrong place to discover that both lines could be edited. Perhaps this could be done with one click, so that both editable fields pop open and are available at the same time?

When switching from one preset to another (with guitar amps at least) there is usually an audio “clunk” sound. I notice this mostly when the guitar is sounding. It’s not too bad but some instances might cause speaker or ear damage. This could be a problem when changing patches during a live performance. Perhaps a very short audio mute could be implemented during the transition?

The “Presets Links” is a nice feature. It works pretty well. The one-to-one mapping is good but adding an option to remap preset numbers would be helpful, so that one needn't go through the trouble of copying patches to different locations. Perhaps a matrix table. - Alternately, simply using the Scene Snapshots can save and recall any arbitrary combination of patch setup. Simpler to use and probably what I will do for performances.

That being said, I have not been able to figure out how to save and recall Scene Snapshots using my foot controller.
H / UDmr
Rack Performer 1.01 Tests 03


I’m working with syncing two computers together. After some tinkering I was able to get my laptop with Rack Performer to slave to my desktop sending MTC from Cubase SX3.

There are some odd issues with this. Cubase sends MIDI machine Control, MIDI TimeCode and MIDI Clock. If I tried to use only one of these sources to sync RP, it never worked as well as when all were on at the same time. I also noted that there was always a small amount of drift constant adjustment as RP followed (about +/- 0.5 bpm). I suspect this is normal. For live performance I don’t think this would be a problem but for recording this might be an issue.

Also, I was not able to get RP to start at the same song position as my Cubase session. When and wherever I started Cubase, RP always resumed from 1:01:00. RP did not slave when set to receive MTC. It only worked with MIDI clock. I don’t know if this is a problem with Cubase or RP.

I got only slightly better results with Ableton Live as a slave on the same laptop. Ableton seems to lock up sooner. In one instance I was able to get Ableton to lock to song position, as well, but was not able to reproduce a second time.
H / UDmr

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